How a frustrated mother changed potty training

The key to quick potty training is that your child feels uncomfortable with pee and poop. However, this leads to many accidents and soiled car seats, sofas, and mattresses.

Some often say: "Just put on some diapers, they'll absorb the mess anyway, right?" But let's be honest, from someone who has experienced this three times - it actually prolongs the process because children then don't feel that they have gone..
Why? Because diaper pants absorb urine and feces, causing children not to feel that they have gone. They are not aware of the mess.
'How can we make children feel like they have gone without constantly cleaning up? That was the question a frustrated mother asked herself, and thus Bombees-underwear was born.'

These special underwear allow children to feel the discomfort of #1 and #2, without wetting or mess, making potty training faster and easier.